In an award released on 5 March 2020, an international arbitral tribunal under the auspices of the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) rejected claims against Romania amounting to more than RON 9 billion brought by Ioan and Viorel Micula and several Romanian companies associated with them, including S.C. Scandic Distilleries...Read More
We are very proud to announce that 3 members of the LDDP team are included in the 2020 edition of the Who’s Who Legal Arbitration. Crenguța Leaua, Partner and Head of the International Litigation and Arbitration Practice of LDDP, is recommended as a Global Leader in Arbitration, while Mihaela Maravela, Partner with LDDP and Liliana...Read More
Într-un litigiu având ca obiect pretenții cu titlu de despăgubiri în materia asigurărilor de răspundere civilă obligatorie, echipa LDDP obține pentru clienții săi un prejudiciu stabilit de instanța de judecată la o valoare de 600.000 lei. De asemenea, instanța a recunoscut aplicarea penalităților legale de întârziere de 0,2% la suma acordată cu titlu de despăgubiri,...Read More